Expanded Animation
On 9 and 10 September, you will find me at the Expanded Animation: The Alchemy of Animation symposium in Linz, Austria. This year their focus is on science, society and industry, which fits neatly in with the ‘radical atoms’ theme of Ars Electronica.
There will be many inspiring speakers taking part, and I am really pleased that I will be among them presenting the Silent Signal project and screening the work. Expect presentations by artists, academics, curators and scientists who all engage with science, animation and technology in their work in quite distinct ways.
Silent Signal also has an outing this weekend – if you are going to Green Man Festival in Brecon, be sure to wander on down to Einstein’s Garden at 12:45pm on Sunday to catch the screening and to hear from artist Ellie Land and Professor Peter Oliver about the inspirations for Sleepless.
Image: Immunecraft, Eric Schockmel